
Every organization needs leaders, people who willing to study information, work well with others and then help make decisions. Listed here are leaders who have contributed to this organization. You may contact them directly.

Name Title Careof Phone
Al Doyle President Fusion Happens 866-674-6652
Stephen C. Fletcher President United Broadcasting 866-674-6652
Michael Kostov Board of Advisors Varoom Cooperative 866-674-6652
Richard G. Mattson President Radio Parties 866-674-6652
William Victor May Administration Varoom Cooperative 866-674-6652
Jeff Reiner President South Sound & Tacoma South Honda 866-674-6652
James B. Shinn II President Shinn Investments 866-674-6652
Penny L. Taylor Customer Services Varoom Cooperative 866-674-6652
Dan Wurz Development Consultant WSU Murrow School of Communications 866-674-6652

DETAILS: We work to keep this information up to date, but details do change from time to time based on circumstances, often on short notice, and sometimes beyond our control. To verify any answer or other information you may need, please call or email us anytime. Allow a reasonable amount of time for response. Only legitimate inquiries will be answered.